Apr 25, 2007

Updating Yahweh: Tetragrammaton Musings

Working with my Jewish friends leads me to muse about the Jewish name for God, Yahveh.

Of course, "Tetragrammaton" - Tetra_gram, resembles "Chaturaanaana", the four-faced name of Krshna.

In reduced form Yahveh is Ya (not yaa) and Vaa (yes vaa) and means, in Sanskrit, "This & That". When you put them together to make a word you integrate their meanings, Interestingly Tat and asi, That tvam (Thou) also have a corresponedence with the former group 'asi,', in Tat tvam asi, is 'is/are' Thou are That as rendered in English. Thus Yehveh can only be 'Yaweh' if it includes you and everything else....

The thing started as a joke: I wondered whether "Up Yours" had been registered as a domain name--upyours.com--if not could any advantage be taken of it... So how about "U-Y.com". but this would be tacky...Mngling and intertwining with this thought had been an interpretation of Krishna Geetaa which in nearly so many words allows you to "customize" God. Bucky Fuller's book, "No More Secondhand God" and his "Ever rethinking the Lord's prayer" -- So one way to kill the hatred/fervor amongst the 'relgious' would be a Wiki version for God that would by "U-Y.edu" and the letters then can stand for Updating Yahweh" Loopy,indeed...

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