Apr 25, 2007

For lasting Peace in the Middle East

How 4 can prevail over 10 for lasting peace in the Middle-East,

– A 139-word tribute to Yasser Arafat –

A leader, re-elected last week, has a 10-word mantra: If you are not with us, you are against us. Also recently re-elected is the leader of a country that was 'settled' by European convict-descendents.  A small island-nation with a criminal rap-sheet longer than any in known history, goaded and allied itself to the actions that coalition-mantra initiated.

For heritage and history, these three have fictional inventions. It is, therefore, appropriate to devise the acronym WECOL (Where English is the Country's Official language) to identify them and their lesser accomplices.

As a fitting homage to the Nobel Peace Prize winner Yasser Arafat, the 4-word mantra of OPEC (the Arab-led organization of petroleum-exporting countires and its friends elsewhere, should now be: NO PALESTINE, NO OIL.

This would be an act of courage for Peace, above that of Osama bin-Laden's miguided men.

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