Jul 31, 2007

Market Capitalism - Painful Fraud and Seduction

Indic etymology reveals Market Capitalism as

Market --> MAAR=hit / kill + KAAT=cut / sever (painful)
Capitalism --> KAPAT=fraud + TILISM=inveiglement (seduction).

Defenceless against the seductions of subverting eloquence, we forget that, in excess, goods do not necessarily add to the common good; that as a creed, greed promotes intolerance. Competing rights and contending equalities cannot begat harmony and peace; only equilibriums so fecundate. In the end we are intolerant only of our interiorized-and-therefore-mislocated, warring selves. Social entropy eventuates when lives, by fraudulent consent or otherwise, are externally governed. Resting upon the dangerous tautology of checks-and-balances, the Rule of Law loopholes corrupting mischief's to dislocate our freedoms and responsibilities. If allowed its own rhythms, the Music of Life can still restore the Role of Love. Those whose Beings are in communion with it will forever resist and resent communicational structures conceived and imposed by privately amoral, bereft men and frightened, indignant women made hysterical by their own histories.

In philosophical theorizing, says James Edwards, author of , our relationship to life is radically diseased. Curiosity replaces wonder, the world as miracle becomes the world as riddle. Nature's pathos degenerates into superstition. Action becomes technology. We are suckered into accepting the medium as the message; the packaging and the pitch for the product.

The 21st century will be intolerable if "Masters of The Universe' haven't first mastered--and stilled--their disquieted, avaricious selves.

-- From an essay Vyom wrote in 1995 on tolerance

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