Jun 17, 2007


In this clip * David Pascual of Montana State University explains the advantages, including why eating the vaccine will deliver it to our first line of defence.

But will "vested" interests allow it to get there? The following is from an imagined Rush Limbaugh show:

[["If you get rid of cholera via rice,what's in it for me?, It'll hurt jobs on the stateside, if the Japanese do it. Can we mount an offensive against this doped sushi & rice?"

"Maybe, those kids that don't die of cholera, will grow up to become Jehadi terrorists. We should stop this vaccine from getting to them."

"This is a clear and present danger to the free world. We'll go through the motions of acting through the U N, but we can take pre-emptive action. We have that Iraqi precedent now."

"All who who are not weakened by cholera, can become potential human weapons of mass destruction. Where are you Dick Cheney? Bring back Rumsfeldt. Call in George Brown from across the Atlantic. Our President ain't no lame duck

Maybe, he's a cooked goose.
* Extracted from the BBC-WS program "Science In Action" aired, Jun 15, 2007

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