May 4, 2007

Synergetics can be a bridge between Veda and Tantra

The name of one of the (2-vol) great books is Synergetics: The geometry of thinking. To get rid of the accommodative defects in the quantum and relativity theories, the super strings theory is being devised and sought to be established. In all this, those adepts (scholars/academics) of Vaastu and Tantra who are familiar with the definition of Tantra which says that it it "three-filamented" will surely hear a resonating echo.

(The following sentence, a very complex one, is very difficult to translate; in fact it took a very learned man a few readings to understand what I was getting at. Don't blame me if it comes out garbled).

This should make the Veda-approved-organ Vaastu, to also become a Tantra-approved organ and then become the bridge between Veda and Tantra, thereby freeing the latter from the grip of its contrary votaries (worshippers). Vaastu can then become the confluencing domain where the two Sanaatani streams meet and at this place the devout can resolve to act with determination (to give back to humanity the nobility of life and thought that is programmed into it but lies dormant owing to the 'wisdom' that today we find corrupted to the point where it is worse than ignorance).

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