India’s Triangle of the 21st Century: States in the western parts of India have a faster-than-China growth rate whereas sub-Saharan conditions exist in eastern India1. It is here that a cyber organization promoting new initiatives in sustainable techniques for human advancement – Nişthä2 - has identified India’s Triangle of the 21st Century. It encompasses, in eastern India, the resources-rich-&-therefore-mercilessly-exploited “November 2000 States” of Chhatisgarh, Jharkhand and (the imminent) Kôsal Pradésh.
Nişthä believes that the Information-Outformation-Useformation – the IOU-Triquilibrium - is not yet globally concepted or locally implemented. The World-Bank-admitted Global Disparity Ratio, revised by the Brookings Institution at an unsustainable 135:l, evidences this. NIŞTHÄ shall catalyze triquilibrium-customizations within the afore-identified Triangle and beyond.
Nişthä’s Vision: Through organizational Syntegrations3 NIŞTHÄ shall initially become a multilingual, multi-media, multi-tasking network for gathering, assessing, processing, and adapting IOU-formation. It will then harvest and aim its leveraging feedback, to restore the epigenetic landscape of this region to a sustainable, omni-diverse, exemplary plenitude for all.
Nişthä’s Objective: Recalling that the word ‘industry’ has ‘Indus’ in it, NIŞTHÄ’s pioneering organizational systems will reclaim and expand the meaning of the word to make it inclusive of civilization itself. Applied engineering research and support (AERS) should lead to local industrial development and manufacture (IDM) of a plethora of wealth-&-employment generating eco-friendly, quality-of-life-enhancing products. Samples relevant to this Presentation are listed here below as NIŞTHÄ’s LEAD ideas:
Local Data-processing and communicational systems (LD-PCs)
PV computers, Multilinguaformation Radiophony Networks, Information Banks (with I-loans,
I-passbooks, and I-deposit-schemes) Links, monitoring, exchanges and NGO/GO coordination.
Efficient eco-Machines (e-Machines)
Pedal and bullock-powered machines including improved pedicabs and power-generators. Water-conserving irrigation systems. Portable solar crucible-furnaces for relevant metallurgy. School-chemistry microscience kits. Simputers. Titanium-oxide photovoltaic sheet manufacture, etc.
Alliance of Urban & Rural Communities
FM & DAB Radiocracies. Distance Learning & Continuing Education. Sustained Community revitalization & close-loop rural/urban industrial/utilities Health & Hygiene coordination.
Drought-fighting Applications Technologies (DAT)
Deployment of portable, laptop-&-software-connected ‘Groundflo’ water-locaters. Muscle-powered Cranfield bore-well machines. Organic Fertilizers & Health Foods, Livestock, Horticulture. Floriculture, Fisheries, Poultry, Value-added Perishables: Jellies-Jams-Juices.
These cyber-age LEAD ideas are, in fact, a sustainable Gandhian meld of the grass roots with
the global. We at Nisthä are, therefore, privileged to invite you to be our tana-mana-dhana4
co-participators in their syntegrated implementation in India’s Triangle of the 21st Century.
Globalization is meaningless to billions unless it prioritizes the revitalization of rural communities.